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13 03 2020 #Press information

The lower toll rates for automatic payments for the A4 Katowice-Kraków section, introduced at the beginning of this year, will be in force at least until the end of June 2020. The users of Autopay, A4Go or Telepass can still travel cheaper, saving up to 30% on each gate. During rush hours, automatic payments for the concession section of the A4 motorway already constitute more than 1/3 of all transactions.

Drivers who use automated payments based on vehicle license plate identification (videotolling) or use an A4Go or Telepass on-board unit save between 15% and 30% on each toll, depending on the vehicle category. The rates
for automatic payments, at least until the end of June, will continue to be as follows:

for category 1 vehicles: PLN 7 instead of PLN 10,

for category 2 and 3 vehicles: PLN 17 instead of PLN 20,

and for category 4 and 5 vehicles: PLN 30 instead of PLN 35.

The cheaper A4Go impulses (recharges) purchased will remain valid for two years.

Automated toll collection has enabled instant transactions at the gates, with virtually no need to stop and no additional involvement of drivers.

In the context of the threat of the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus, which causes the COVID-19 disease, the security of contactless transactions constitutes a very important factor, next to the savings in time
and money, in favour of choosing automatic methods of payment for tolls.

– The risks associated with the circulation of cash cannot be eliminated. Meanwhile, automatic payments do not require giving cash or card to the collector, collecting the change and receipt, or even opening a window in the car. It is worth choosing this way of paying tolls as another important element of prevention and taking care of the health of yourself and your loved ones, says Rafał Czechowski.

Separate service lines on toll plazas dedicated to Autopay and A4Go enable the achievement of up to three times more capacity than in the case of traditional manual service (cash or payment cards).

– The users of our motorway have responded very positively to the discounts on automatic payments, appreciating not only the saving of money but also the convenience and speed of operation of these solutions. On average, in a week, against the background of total payments for tolls, we record between 23 and 25% of transactions involving Autopay applications and A4Go and Telepass on-board units. In the morning and in the afternoon, this percentage rises even to approx. 35%. In order to meet the expectations of drivers, we are extending the preferential rates at least until the end of June this year. We are pleased to see the direct impact of the popularity of automatic payment methods on the capacity of toll plazas and higher comfort of travelling on our motorway," adds Rafał Czechowski, SAM spokesperson.

In the second quarter of this year, the concessionaire plans to further develop automatic payments. Apart from Autopay, drivers will have the SkyCash application at their disposal, through which they can also pay for the A1 motorway and for car parks in 173 cities in Poland (including Kraków, Gliwice, Opole, Warsaw).

Another novelty will be the enrichment of the A4Go electronic toll collection with a postpaid formula, within which the on-board unit can be connected to a bank card. The fee will be charged from the user's bank account when driving through the gate. This will relieve A4Go users from having to recharge their accounts with impulses in advance.

With the aim of improving traffic flow on toll plazas, SAM SA plans to further expand the plazas in Brzęczkowice and Balice and extend the access lanes to gates dedicated to automatic payments, and in the future, it plans to increase the number of posts for immediate non-cash transactions.

Information on automatic payments and preferential rates is available online at www.automatycznaA4.pl.

Apart from actions taken to improve passenger service (investments in the toll collection system) and provide passengers with safe passage (modernisation and repairs of motorway infrastructure), thanks to the A4 Katowice-Kraków project, Stalexport Autostrada Małopolska S.A. also brings significant benefits to the State Treasury. It should be added that all costs and risks related to investment, maintenance and management of the motorway are borne by the concessionaire, and in 2027, the concession section with developed infrastructure and after numerous modernisations will be transferred to the State Treasury


Information about SAM SA

Stalexport Autostrada Małopolska S.A. manages the 60-km section of the A4 Katowice-Kraków motorway. This is the first fully operational road of this type in Poland, built as part of the public-private partnership, as a brownfield project  on the basis of the road constructed in the 1970s  and 1980s. Stalexport Autostrada Małopolska S.A. obtained a license for its adaptation to the requirements of the toll motorway and operation in 1997. It required numerous investments. All investment projects and current maintenance of road lanes are funded from revenues obtained from the collection of tolls for the concession section and loans received from the international banking consortium. Unlike other concessions for the management of toll motorways, the project implemented by Stalexport Autostrada S. A. does not burden the State Treasury with any obligations. Moreover, it has not received any grants or guarantees of the Treasury.

Additional information can be obtained from:

Rafał Czechowski
Spokesman of SAM S.A.
tel. 601 063 200