Press releases
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- Resurfacing of A4 Katowice-Kraków motorway to commence in August 7.06.2023 #Press information Starting from mid-Q3 of this year, Stalexport Autostrada Małopolska will be resurfacing the concession section of the A4 motorway. The investment project will be carried out in a reliable and driver-friendly manner, affecting short sections at a time, with two lanes available in each direction. During the resurfacing, the bridges over the motorway will also be refurbished.
- A4 Katowice-Kraków motorway: Changes in traffic rules at the Brzęczkowice junction 18.05.2023 #Press information On 22 May this year, new traffic organisation changes will be introduced at the Brzęczkowice junction in Mysłowice, due to the renovation of the bridge and the junction surface. They will affect drivers travelling from Katowice towards Tychy, Bielsko-Biała and Cieszyn.
- The concessionaire of the A4 Katowice-Kraków motorway has applied to the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA) for permission to change toll rates for all vehicle categories from 3 April 31.01.2023 #Press information In a letter submitted today to the General Director for National Roads and Motorways, the concessionaire of the A4 Katowice-Kraków motorway requests a change in toll rates for all vehicle categories from 3 April this year. Passenger car drivers who use automatic payment will be granted a 13% discount.
- A4 Katowice-Kraków motorway: renovation of bridge at Brzęczkowice junction begins 25.01.2023 #Press information The concessionaire of the A4 Katowice-Kraków motorway will be renovating the bridge at the Brzęczkowice junction in Mysłowice (junction of the A4 with the S1 road) over the next several months. Starting Wednesday, 25 January, the traffic organisation in this area will be changed. Drivers travelling from Tychy towards Katowice are advised to use National Road No. 86.
- "Hold the Wheel and Not Your Phone" Krystyna Czubówna and well-known cartoonists, including Andrzej Mleczko, meet in a social campaign for A4 Katowice-Kraków 16.01.2023 #Press information Krystyna Czubówna and well-known cartoonists: Andrzej Mleczko, Marta Frej, Andrzej Rysuje, Magda Danaj - Porysunki and Janek Koza are part of the social campaign "Hold the Wheel and Not Your Phone", which is organised by Stalexport Autostrada Małopolska S.A., the administrator of the A4 Katowice-Kraków motorway. The initiative aims to raise awareness of the dangers of using smartphones while driving.
- VIDEOTOLLING NOW ACTIVE ON A4 KATOWICE-KRAKÓW MOTORWAY THANKS TO NEW mPAY APP 17.01.2022 #Press information Drivers travelling on the A4 Katowice-Krakow motorway can now use the mPay app to pay tolls at the toll gates. This is yet another automatic payment solution that brings lower prices, faster transactions at toll plazas, as well as user convenience and safety.
- "PAWS, PAWS, COLLECT PAWS". THE A4 KATOWICE-KRAKÓW MOTORWAY CONCESSIONAIRE WILL SUPPORT ANIMAL SHELTERS TOGETHER WITH AUTOMATIC PAYMENT USERS 22.09.2021 #Press information Each journey via the A4 Katowice-Kraków motorway, paid automatically by the end of September, increases the amount that Stalexport Autostrada Małopolska will donate to two shelters for homeless animals: in Katowice and in Kraków. All drivers need to do is register at This campaign is promoted by popular YouTubers such as Urbex History, PodróżoVanie, and Kamil in Travel.
- NEW RATES FOR AUTOMATIC PAYMENTS FOR THE A4 KATOWICE-KRAKÓW MOTORWAY. A4Go PRE-PAID CAN BE APPLIED TO USE THE MOTORWAY FOR TWO MORE YEARS AT THE SAME PREFERENTIAL RATES 10.09.2021 #Press information For three weeks only, drivers using the pre-paid electronic toll collection system A4Go can buy toll impulses for the A4 Katowice-Krakow motorway, which will remain valid for the next two years, cheaper by up to 30%. From 1 October 2021, the concessionaire will change terms and conditions for the use of preferential rates for automatic payments. By driving a car with Autopay, SkyCash and IKO applications, videotolling with ORLEN fleet cards or
- ORLEN FLEET CARD USERS CAN NOW BENEFIT FROM VIDEOTOLLING ON THE A4 KATOWICE-KRAKOW MOTORWAY 26.05.2021 #Press information Fleet owners and entrepreneurs who have been paying for the concession section of the A4 motorway with ORLEN fleet cards: FLOTA or MIKROFLOTA "S" type, have a possibility to combine them with videotolling. By joining an automatic payment system, they can travel faster, more conveniently and much cheaper.
- REPLACEMENT OF THE ROAD SURFACE ON THE A4 KATOWICE-KRAKÓW MOTORWAY NEARING COMPLETION 29.03.2021 #Press information On Thursday, 8 April this year, works will begin on the final stage of replacing the surface of the A4 Katowice-Kraków motorway. The section between Murckowska junction in Katowice and Brzęczkowice junction in Mysłowice will undergo repair works. The accompanying changes in traffic organisation will include, among others, an exit from the motorway to the Mysłowice junction.