Instant transactions and convenient travel through the toll plazas - without the need to provide the collector with cash or cards. Special gateways for automatic payments only.
Modification of the IT system
Stalexport Autostrada Małopolska S.A. does not send notifications where the title reads: ‘Notification of Unpaid Toll’, and the alleged toll is supposed to concern the A4 motorway. Please do not click on any links provided in the body of the email. An attempted fraud should be reported to the nearest police station.
On the A4 motorway Katowice-Krakow tolls are collected on entry (half the toll) and on exit (the other half of the toll).
Otwarto prawy pas ruchu na 374 km w kierunku Katowic. Usunięto skutki wypadku drogowego.
Wypadek dwóch pojazdów na 374 km między węzłem Rudno a Chrzanów w kierunku Katowic. Zablokowany prawy pas ruchu.
Zakończono prace utrzymaniowe w kier. Krakowa.